Sunday, June 28, 2015

My Meal Plan

A perfect example of how your diet should be daily is posted above! If you want to get lean and toned physique, it all begins in the kitchen! Clean eating and balancing your meals should be your top priority. I start with a bowl of steel cut oatmeal with a couple of boiled eggs for my protein and fat. For my snack a couple hours later ill eat some fruit, nuts and a couple of boiled eggs. Lunch is brown rice, lean chicken and a salad with a homemade vinaigrette dressing:)   I'll skip the complex carbohydrates for dinner and typically indulge in yummy vegetables, salad and salmon for some good protein.  This is just an example of meal/snacks consumed in a day. However, my diet is rich in a variety of vegetables, fruits and lean meats that are balanced portions. Don't over think your diet and basically consume  healthy and nutritious foods to maintain your energy throughout the day! Stay motivated and continue to think positive about your self and your body!

Tips: Eggs are the best and most cost efficient protein you can find! Eat the whole egg, not just the whites


  1. From your picture looks like you eat several eggs a day? Do you eat eggs every day? I've always heard bad things about them regarding cholesterol

    1. Hi Lauren! The subject of wether or not whole eggs lead to higher LDL cholesterol levels has been debated since the 50's. Honestly, the science behind cholesterol production and regulation within the human body is complex and thus the debate continues. However, I eat about 5 whole eggs a day because of the protein, fat, and yes...cholesterol. Cholesterol plays a role in your natural steroid production (estrogen, testosterone). I've gone without eggs before and I didn't feel that I was having as good of workouts as before when I was eating eggs. Let me know if you have anymore questions :)

    2. Thank you so much!! I have a question about fruit and sugar. I know you promote a low sugar diet but what about fruit? Is fruit bad? I found this cleanse. Seems intense to me but apparently a lot of ppl believe in this. What is your opinion?
