Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Oh pregnancy, how much fun it is when you're hitting your last month.  Your feet are swollen, hips are so wide that you have to wear yoga pants everyday, and not to mention, your husband shirts fit better on you than on him.  Forget about caring about what you look like in public, because all I cared about was how comfortable I felt at the moment (hint my picture below hehe).

During my pregnancy, I pretty much ate whatever I wanted and immediately put on 30 pounds. It wasn't until 24 weeks into my pregnancy that I found out I had Gestational Diabetes! You know those sugary drinks that the GYNO makes you drink in the middle of your pregnancy. Well yeah, I completely failed that test!! (Hearing that my blood glucose levels were above normal put me in complete despair).  Whats does this mean? Is this going to affect the health of my baby? Am I going to die?  I really thought it was the end of my world considering I had been a complete fitness fanatic my whole life. My diet has always been very healthy and I don't consume harmful substances like alcohol and tobacco. In the end, I just accepted the fact that I had "GB" and  decided to move forward with keeping myself and my baby as healthy as possible.

 Gestational Diabetes meant my chances of getting diabetes after my pregnancy is much higher than the normal mother.  SO if you are wondering what motivates me to stay fit and workout, well now you know why.  Nobody wants DIABETES :(.  Did you know, in the United States alone, 29 million people have diabetes and 1 out of 9 people will develop diabetes in their lifetime. So don't be part of the statisic and start now to be healthy instead of later!! 

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